Few real estate investors…
…especially newer real estate investors, and
…especially real estate investors that are buying properties where capital expenses are a large percentage of the property’s rents
…truly understand the insidious, stealthy and ruinous nature of capital expenses.
We do teach real estate investors about capital expenses and how devastating they can be. You should teach your local investors too.
Of course, The World’s Greatest Real Estate Deal Analysis Spreadsheet™ has an input field for estimating CapEx when doing deal analysis. If you opt to build your own spreadsheet, yours should too.
However, even I don’t do a great job really emphasizing capital expenses when I teach deal analysis. I could… and should… do better here. Will make a mental note to do better in the future.
When you teach deal analysis… as I mentioned above… you should help your clients understand what capital expenses are and how they impact their returns.
But, how do you leverage that into getting more real estate investor clients?