Podcast Subscribers Joining Real Estate Investor Group
Modeling Your Business Serving Real Estate Investors
We’re going to continue working through The Real Estate Investor’s Agent One-Page Business Plan™ spreadsheet.
We’ve already covered the following blocks in the Real Estate Investor Group section:
And the following in the Clients section:
Plus, the results with the Closed Purchase and Totals section.
And, we started to go through the Marketing section:
Now, we’re going to look at how your real estate investor group grows from podcast subscribers.
Podcast Subscribers
As you run your real estate investor group and have class meetings, you’ll record each class whether you teach it or have a guest speaker come in a teach it.
You’ll take (most of) these recordings and publish them to your own local, real estate investing podcast.
Why? There are 7 very important, very valuable reasons… here they are: