I’ve been going through and cleaning up my website and came across a page that I forgot about that listed all the benefits and perks I’d offer to real estate investors that become my clients.
Here’s what I had…
My local real estate brokerage business model is largely to provide amazing, free real estate classes to real estate investors with an emphasis on providing classes to Nomads™.
So, if I am providing all of these great classes for free, what motivates a person to become a client?
Part of it is good, ethical guilt… I am providing so much value that they feel guilted into using me to buy and sell real estate if they want to continue to come to and benefit from the classes and tools I provide. But, there are a few additional client benefits I provide (listed below).
I have not always done the best job sharing this with clients or potential clients, but I do plan to make a handout of this and include it with the class handouts and/or class schedules that I give out in classes to people so they become more aware.
With further delay, here’s the list of benefits of becoming a client…